When Hudson was a puppy, he had to undergo spinal surgery. After Hudson's surgery, I really discovered how amazing acupuncture can be. I have had an amazing experience with acupuncture thus far, and many others have said how beneficial it has been for their fur babies as well!

Here's more information on how acupuncture can help & the benefits it provides for Hudson:
How acupuncture can help ⬇️
Helps with inflammation
Helps relieve pain
Relaxes muscles
I have noticed that it... ⬇️
Improves his walking
Improves his energy
Relieves pain

Acupuncture Places I Love:
California - Pasternak Veterinary Center
Nashville - @natcheztracevet
These are just a few things that acupuncture can help your pup with. I always recommend asking your vet first if it’s the right fit for you!
Watch the full reel below or on my Instagram: